To the Brussels Citizens' Assembly

How to participate?
The Brussels Citizens' Assembly is open to all residents of Brussels. To participate, you must have been drawn by lot - you cannot apply directly. The lot drawing is done by mail: once per semester, a few thousand addresses in the Brussels-Capital Region are chosen at random and receive a letter of invitation. So keep an eye on your letterbox!
If you have been drawn, the letter you received will tell you what to do to let us know you want to participate. Follow the instructions on your letter to register.
Then, from all these registrations, we constitute an assembly with a fixed number of participants (typically 89) called 'assemblists'. For its composition, we take into account three quotas of representativeness: age group, level of education and gender. We try to obtain representation in these three quotas which is proportional to that of the population of Brussels. After this selection, you will be notified if your registration was selected and if you can participate in the assembly!
If you were not drawn or selected, but you are very interested in the assembly, you can always introduce yourself to help us with the organization of the assembly as a volunteer. As a volunteer, you have no influence on the content of the assembly (the choice of themes, the result, ...) but you can help us to develop and promote this form of democracy.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
(Last update: February 2021)
I have little technical or advanced knowledge. I don't know very well how Brussels policy works. Is the assembly for me?
Yes! All this is not a condition for your participation. All you need is your experience as a citizen. This is what will lead you to speak, discuss and deliberate together with the other assemblists.
There will be enough time and help provided during the assembly to learn what you need to know about the topics to be discussed and about Brussels politics.
I have registered for the Assembly. Does that mean that I will be able to participate automatically?
No. The assembly will be made up of 40 people. There will be more people registered than participants. For the composition, we will take into account three quotas of representativeness: age group, level of education and gender. You will be notified towards the end of March of the results.
When will I know if my registration is validated?
End of March. For participants of the first gathering. Other people can still be accepted afterwards (for the following meetings).
In what language are the meetings held?
Mainly in French and Dutch. Simultaneous translations will be offered for people who are not comfortable with these languages, to the extent of our possibilities. Please let us know as soon as possible if you request such a translation.
On what dates do the assembly meetings take place?
The Assembly will meet regularly between April and June.
Where do Assembly meetings take place?
Meetings will take place online via the CitizenLab and Zoom platforms. If you are not comfortable with IT tools, with the use of this type of platform or if you do not have the necessary equipment, let us know as soon as possible! Support is provided to allow everyone to participate.
Do I have to attend all meetings?
Yes, your commitment to the Assembly requires participation in all meetings. Otherwise, it will not be able to function properly.
I can only spare part of the day for meetings. Is it possible to participate anyway?
If you already know that you are not available for part of the meeting dates, it is better to give your place to someone else. Indeed, to function well, the Assembly needs a maximum presence of its participants.
I have a child (ren). Can you tell me more about the daycare service that is planned?
A daycare service for child (ren) was provided back when we could meet face-to-face. As soon as the COVID rules are lifted and we can meet again, this service will be available again. This service is put in place to allow as many people as possible to participate, including parents.
Children will be accommodated in a separate area but located on the premises of the meetings. You can therefore find them during breaks.
Am I paid for my participation in the Brussels Citizens' Assembly?
Yes. We provide for an expense of 20 euros per meeting time for each participant.
What is planned for meals on meeting days?
(Please note, this response was applicable before the COVID pandemic and the rules in this area.)
We plan a free lunch for each participant, for each day of the meeting.